Love your gut...
At Love Fermented we whole-heartedly subscribe to the health benefits that come with enjoying our delicious natural products.
As the fermented food revolution gains popularity scientists, specialist and experts are becoming more and more convinced as to the benefits of eating these super food products.
Maintaining a healthy mind, body, gut and immune system has never been so important in todays fast moving globally connected life.
Evidence is growing as to the health benefits of fermented foods with ongoing trials and investigations although the claims cannot currently be substantiated due to trials being too small to provide conclusive scientific evidence.
Below are a small selection of well informed and trusted articles which look at the benefits of fermented food, gut health, general health and well being.
The majority of foods and ingredients that we use in our recipes do stand-up to health claims as history, science and probably your parents and grandparents alike will testify too.
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The Conversation - 7th May 2020
Worried about coronavirus? Pay attention to your gut.
By Martin Veysey
Programme Director MBBS at Hull York Medical School
University of York
The Telegraph - 2nd May 2019
I suffered from debilitating migraines for decades – until I learned about gut health.
The Guardian - 12th April 2019
Caesarean babies have lower level of 'good' gut bacteria, study shows.
By Nicola Davis
Research suggests surgical delivery may make babies more prone to respiratory infections.
Atlas Biomed - April 2019
Your gut-brain axis influences disease risk and mental health.
By Leigh Stewart - Medical Journalist
You have a second brain and it’s hiding in your gut. Discover how interplay between the brain, digestive system and gut bacteria influences health, disease risk, mood and depression.
Well and - 1st April 2019
Three reasons this holistic doctor wants you to reduce stress for your gut health
By Well & Editors
The Guardian - 18th March 2019
Nutritional psychiatry: Can You Eat Yourself Happier?
By Amy Fleming
‘What we stick in our mouths matters to our mental health,’ says a leading light in this new field. So what should we be eating?
Holland & Barrett - 25th January 2019
What is friendly bacteria?
By Rosalind Ryan
The Guardian - 18th January 2019
Fermentation is back
By Aaron Vansintjan
How will living organisms reshape your plate?
From coffee to ketchup, bread to sausage, wine to cheese, fermented foods are all around us – but we don’t have to be so afraid of them.
BBC Good Food - 1st October 2018
The health benefits of fermenting
By Jo Lewin - Associate nutritionist
Popular across cultures for centuries, fermenting has made a fashionable comeback as a provider of 'good' bacteria that contributes to a healthy digestive system. Want to know what the fuss is all about? Nutritionist Jo Lewin gives us the lowdown.
The Guardian - 24th September 2018
Fit in my 40s: what my gut bacteria says about me
By Zoe Williams
There are three broad categories of microbiome, named by Atlas, a company that will analyse the bacterial environment in your gut: the Urban Citizen, the Village Peasant and the Indigene. Your type can change if you significantly alter your diet. Anyone with any sense wants to be an Indigene, since the Urban Citizen is associated with the “western diet” (code for: “some Cinnamon Grahams and a KFC, what of it?”) and the Village Peasant sounds a bit, you know, dumpy. However, the Indigene is most prevalent in isolated tribespeople from the Amazon and Africa, or failing that, vegetarians.
The Guardian - 24th September 2018
Fit in my 40s: what my gut bacteria says about me
By Zoe Williams
There are three broad categories of microbiome, named by Atlas, a company that will analyse the bacterial environment in your gut: the Urban Citizen, the Village Peasant and the Indigene. Your type can change if you significantly alter your diet. Anyone with any sense wants to be an Indigene, since the Urban Citizen is associated with the “western diet” (code for: “some Cinnamon Grahams and a KFC, what of it?”) and the Village Peasant sounds a bit, you know, dumpy. However, the Indigene is most prevalent in isolated tribespeople from the Amazon and Africa, or failing that, vegetarians.
Harvard Women's Health Watch - 16th May 2018
fermented foods for better gut health
By Kelly Bilodeau
Naturally fermented foods are getting a lot of attention from health experts these days because they may help strengthen your gut microbiome—the 100 trillion or so bacteria and microorganisms that live in your digestive tract. Researchers are beginning to link these tiny creatures to all sorts of health conditions from obesity to neurodegenerative diseases.